Rice contains about 75% carbohydrates, 7%-8% protein, 1.3%-1.8% fat, and rich amounts of B-vitamins. …
2024-09-13 【View More】Linseed is a traditional oilseed crop in China, but it was unknown in the deep mountains until its va…
2024-09-13 【View More】01 RapeseedThe third week (January 13-January 17, 2025) the national average pric…
2025-01-22 MORE >>01 FlaxseedIn the third week (January 13-January 17, 2025), the national average …
2025-01-22 MORE >>01 PeanutIn the third week (January 13-January 17, 2025), the national average pr…
2025-01-22 MORE >>01 SunflowerWeek 3 (January 13-17, 2025) The domestic sunflower price is stable t…
2025-01-22 MORE >>